New Book!

Launch Party: save the date!

Hope you can join me on Monday, October 21, 7 p.m. at Orlando’s Park Avenue CDs to celebrate the launch of Other Possible Lives. Stay tuned for more details coming soon!

UPDATE: 😍🤩😁 Look how beautiful this cover is!! Thanks to Michael Eble for the cover image and to Larry Moore and Broadstone Books for the design!

I’m excited to share the news that my next book of poems, Other Possible Lives, is coming out this fall. I’m looking forward to sharing the cover and blurbs soon.

Here’s my wish for this book: that it will find its way to readers who will love it as much as I do. Thanks in advance for putting up with the occasional promotional post over the next few months, and deep gratitude to the friends and colleagues helping this book find its way to readers via blurbs, excerpts in publications, readings, etc.

One of my favorite things as a writer is connecting with readers; I’d love to visit your campus, talk with your students and book clubs (in person or via Skype), participate in your reading series, etc. If you’re interested, I’d love to hear from you! You can drop me a line at chrissy AT

As you may know, with all new books (but especially with books of poems) it’s challenging to get them on readers’ radars. Pre-orders are one of the most helpful things you can do to help give a book legs, and this one is available here.

And finally, word of mouth is key, so I (and ALL writers!) deeply appreciate it when you’re able to review, give books as gifts, ask your libraries to order copies, invite us to your campus/institution/book clubs to read and give talks, and share books you like via social media and IRL recommendations. It doesn’t have to be for this book—just do it for the last book you really loved, especially if it’s one you think isn’t getting as much attention as it should. I promise there’s a grateful author on the other end!

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